-Donations for the Terry Fox Foundation are still being accepted until Oct. 4th. You can donate online at:
-From the office of Mrs. Carde:
Halloween Reading Challenge
Hope = Yellow
Peace = Blue
Harmony = Purple
Joy = Orange
Kindness = Green
How it
From now until Halloween every time you read a library book
and return it to the Learning Commons you can enter your pod color into the
witch’s caldron. On Halloween Day, the
pod with the most entries will win the treat basket! The next time you’re finished reading your
library book, bring it to see Mrs. Carde to find out how to enter!
Good Luck!!
-Grade 4s!! Don't forget your ECO TEAM or PEACE AMBASSADORS permission forms (see yesterday's blog for image of letter that was sent home with the grade 4s)
Today we began our group reading. Students have been assigned to reading groups to practice both their fluency and understanding. After they have mastered (read at least 3 times) their assigned book they are to post a video on IRIS to record their retelling of the story.
For our inquiry, we dissected our berries that we collected in the coulee last week and recorded what we observed. It was interesting to see what was beyond the outer shell. Students saw that inside is where the treasure lies within the berry. We then brainstormed a list of what treasures are is inside all of us.
Ask your child the story behind this: