Tuesday, October 29, 2019



Jacket Racket..

Jacket Racket will continue to Wednesday Nov. 6th.  Please send gently used winter wear including coats, mittens, scarves, hats, boots, etc. to school in a bag marked with the items and sizes inside.  We appreciate your support of this much needed program!

Intramurals for Grades Three and Four will begin on Thursday, November 28 and run at 11:45 to 12:10 on Thursdays. Intramurals focuses on game play in activities such as badminton, basketball, football, team handball, soccer, volleyball, etc.  There is a limit of 40 participants.  If more than 40 people sign up, a random draw will be held to decide the participants.  Please go to the EHS Physical Education blog to sign up (link).

Eco Team will starts tomorrow! We will meet every in the Learning Commons.


Students participated in a Kahoot! today for math. We continued building our subtraction skills with lots of activities.

In group reading some of the students continued reading with their group while others recorded themselves reading and retelling the story (summary) in their own words.

We had a Blue Tuesday first thing in the morning as the windchill made it below -20!! Here's what students did before school: