Thursday, October 17, 2019

Glenbow Ranch

Highlights from our trip:

I took a video if you'd like to see of some old vehicles on the edge of the Tiger Lilly Loop
We learned that long ago there was a flower that certain flowers could eat and it came all the way from Asia.
I discovered that Alberta's provincial flower is the Wild Rose.
When I was at the visitor centre, I heard a story from a man who told me a story about Eric Harvie.  He gave his children a crisp $2 bill for Christmas every year.
I figured out that the berries we've been picking is called silverberry or wolf willow.
I saw a coyote, 3 deer and a fawn
I discovered these weird little shrimp things at the pond.
I discovered a birds nest in the chimney
I saw tracks, maybe coyote
I created a pastel drawing of the landscape
There's a type of bird that takes the cow patty (poop) into its nest.
 I realized that there's a house that used to be a real house.
We were walking down a path and I saw 2 deer.
I learned that if you're hurt, you can use the root of the wolf willow plant to help you.
I realized the water bugs, some of them had 4 eyes, two on their antennae
When I was walking near the old Eric Harvie car, I saw something in the tall grass.  It was a really old pot thing with rust and I think it was from Eric Harvie.