-Donations for the Terry Fox Foundation are still being accepted until October 4th. You can donate online at https://secure.terryfox.ca/registrant/mobile/mobileTeamPage.aspx?Referrer=%26Referrer%3dhttps%253a%252f%252fwww.terryfox.org%252f&TeamID=848952#&panel1-1
-Choir starts tomorrow during lunch.
Playing in the SNOW!
Students continued sketching part of their shrub. They were challenged to focus on how hard they press with their pencil. They were also taught to pay attention to where the light in the photo is coming from.
In math we continue to focus on place value. Students are learning in many different ways how numbers, numerals and digits work.
This afternoon we celebrated Orange Shirt Day with an activity in the classroom and as a school!