Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Wednesday, December 11, 2019



Today in poetry we added to our literary techniques by learning Simile and Metaphor. In Fine Arts we began drawing 3D shapes, using shadow and shading to make them come alive.

The last part of the day was spent recording our animal perspective stories and continuing our grasslands inquiry.

After learning about the anatomy of the grasslands, students looked closely to compare the species of grass and made statements regarding their noticing...
When I was looking really closely I found a black mark.
I compared the grasses.  Some are tall and some are short and some are different colours.
I noticed that some have rhizomes and some don’t.
I saw a snail shell in the soil of one.
I noticed that the nodes are darker than the rest of the grass.
I noticed that in some, the inflorescence was hard to find and some have none at all.
Why do some species of grass have no inflorescence. 
How do they spread their species?
The seeds could be in the bottom and go inside.
Maybe the seeds are hidden in a different part.
Maybe it just comes up like a weed from the soil.
Some have one sheath and some have many coming from the root.
I was looking very closely and some have little white lines on the sheaths.
One of the grasses were 87.5 cm tall.