Monday, December 16, 2019

Monday, December 16

The students began exploring spirolaterals today using grid paper.  We will continue to expand our knowledge and skills throughout the week to see how we can use an algorithm to create interesting and intricate geometric designs. 

The choir students had a full run through today in preparation for tomorrow's performances. 

We are working hard to finish our read aloud novel, "Ticket to Curlew" and hope to finish before the break.

Reminder for Mrs. Kinsman's reading groups to do their reading for Wednesday:
Book Clubs with Mrs. Kinsman
Joy Pod students are all working in book-specific Book Clubs with small groups of peers. They set their own reading targets each week and are expected to come to class every Wednesday having read the number of pages or chapters their group agreed to read the week before. Additionally, students are expected to complete a series of assignments in response to their books as they read through them. These assignments are a title page (title/illustration/author), 3 character sketches (name/illustration/3 facts), an action plan (6 important events in the book) and written retell responses (5W/1H) to the chapters or sections of their book. We have not set any quality expectations at this point, just expectations about what each assignment includes. We developed the expectations together and captured them on the whiteboard, photos of those are included here.  When we meet on Wednesdays, I go through the children's work with them and we set goals for improvement for the next week. This is a slow process of developing response writing that will continue after the winter break; if children are finding it challenging to complete the work or read the books, parents are welcome to read with them and encourage them to give the written work their best efforts. At this point, that is all that I am looking for - to see what they are able to do, and then set next step expectations with them individually.  Thanks!

No school Friday - PD Day
Winter Break - December 20 - January 6 (Classes resume Jan. 7)