Monday, December 9, 2019

Monday the 9th


Green Fools demonstration is this Friday at 10:15 to 10:45 in the gymnasium. Come and watch your child perform in the circus!

Mrs. Kinsman would like to remind all Joy students to bring their response journals and Book Club reading books to school on Wednesday. Students have set their own reading expectations for their groups and have been asked to create both a title page and their characters' page as well, to bring in and share. This is work we have been doing for 3 - 4 weeks together, with the expectation students would also work on it at home. We are not finished, but will need our books to share with each other on Wednesday.  Thanks!


This morning, students continued their work on transformations! While some students finished up their transformation dices, others continued their work on irregular and regular polygons.

For Inquiry today, students were working on their story writing, specifically about the skulls they have been researching. Students are recording their stories and will showcase them this Friday! 

During Phys. Ed, Joy Pod had the opportunity to continue working on their skills for the circus including balancing, spinning and juggling. These skills will be presented on Friday!

Students also continued their work on the novel Ticket to Curlew. Today we read Chapter 8 and students were adding to their story maps.

We continued our work in Poetry this afternoon, learning all about alliteration and onomatopoeia. Students are beginning to piece poems together using these literary techniques.