New Week, New Opportunities!
Today was absolutely frigid outside, so we all dashed into the school and began work on zen tangles and other Ignite activities. Many of us elected to go to the gym to participate in Spark's Just Dance. What a wonderfully active way to start the day!
After Ignite, we began our new schedule with our Inquiry Groups where we partnered with the Kindness Pod. Our school's elder, Sa'kokoto, joined us to help launch our Inquiry investigation. In addition to this, we had Music and Phys. Ed.
In the afternoon, we focused on adding detail to the sentences we write and, as part of our math lesson, we looked for arrays around the school.
Today was a great start to the week! Looking forward to the rest of it. Hope it warms up though!
SwimmingWe are swimming in a week and a half and we need VOLUNTEERS. Our goal is to have three or more adults helping out in each change room. The dates are January 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24. Our pod is divided into two groups (see schedule below). If you can volunteer any of these days or all of these days please sign up on sign-up genius:
We will send home a volunteer forms as you sign up.
Our schedule is as follows:
JOY A (Cox & half of Lawson)
-depart school at 8:25am
-in pool from 9:00 to 9:40
-depart pool at 10:00
JOY B (Huebner & half of Lawson)
-depart school at 8:55am
-in pool from 9:40 to 10:20
-depart pool at 10:40