Thursday, June 25, 2020

Thursday, June 25



9:30 - EHS Games Day Session 1
10:00 - EHS Games Day Session 2
Sessions will begin at 9:30 and 10:00 sharp 
Go to this link to choose from a list of activities.  It will have information on the Google Meet rooms you need to go to.  

9:15 - Joy Pod Final Google Meet
                Login with "joypod"

10:30 - School Assembly

11:30-1pm - Gr. 4 Curbside Farewell Pick Up

Read Alouds

Return of CBE Loaned Technology 
We are very thankful for the CBE setting up a system for loaning out technology to our families that needed a device to help make ongoing learning a little easier. As we approach the last weeks of the school year we will now need to safely receive all of these devices back from families. 

If you have a CBE Chromebook or iPad that you borrowed during this time, we ask that you please return it at the Front Entry of our school during the following times: 
-Monday, June 22 - Thursday, June 25 between 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM 
-Friday, June 26 between 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM 
-Monday, June 29 between 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM 

Please ensure that you complete a Technology Return Slip when you drop off the device to ensure we know who has dropped it off. Thank you again!