Today is the last day for classes. Another school year has gone by. This school year was like no other, but we all adjusted and persevered. Pods have their last meetings and the school wide assembly will be held on YouTube Live.
Here is the link to the year end events webpage.
Here is a direct link to the YouTube Live stream.
9:15 - Joy Pod Final Google Meet
Login with "joypod"
10:30 - School Assembly
11:30-1pm - Gr. 4 Curbside Farewell Pick Up
Celebrating the EHS Grade 4 Class of 2020!
The Eric Harvie School Grade 4 class of 2020 has been through many great adventures during their time at our school. From starting out at the Tuscany School site, to the excitement of being the first Grade 1 class in through the doors, the many unique off-site learning experiences they were able to have, the many truly amazing Peace Assemblies, Student Led Learning Walks and other celebrations of learning, and all of the great relationships they have developed with their peers and teachers along the way – the students’ time at EHS has truly been memorable! The unique ending to this school year has caused the school to find alternative ways to celebrate their accomplishments this year - although the collective emotions of our staff in wishing them a heartfelt goodbye are as strong as ever.
On Friday, June 26 we would like to invite our Grade 4 learners and their families to take part in the following events:
- At 10:30 AM we will be having our school wide Year End Assembly through our YouTube channel. This assembly will feature several video presentations from this past year, including a video celebrating the Grade 4 learners.
- Between 11:30 AM – 12:45 PM we are inviting Grade 4 learners and their families to come and pick up a Farewell Package from our school staff and Parent Council. We will be setting this up outdoors on the field (or at a doorway if it is raining) and ask that families observe social distancing measures during this time to ensure everyone’s safety. We will look to provide a socially distant “photo booth” opportunity for individual students together with teachers and a quick chance for learners and Teachers to say good-bye.
- We ask Grade 4 families to please sign up for a package pick up time at the following link:
Thank you to all of our Grade 4 learners and families! We look forward to seeing you on Friday, June 26!
Time Capsule
Return of CBE Loaned Technology
We are very thankful for the CBE setting up a system for loaning out technology to our families that needed a device to help make ongoing learning a little easier. As we approach the last weeks of the school year we will now need to safely receive all of these devices back from families.
If you have a CBE Chromebook or iPad that you borrowed during this time, we ask that you please return it at the Front Entry of our school during the following times:
-Monday, June 22 - Thursday, June 25 between 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
-Friday, June 26 between 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM
-Monday, June 29 between 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Please ensure that you complete a Technology Return Slip when you drop off the device to ensure we know who has dropped it off. Thank you again!