Wednesday, March 4, 2020

March 4, 2020

Joy students started off the morning with Reader’s Theatre; our remaining groups presented to the audience before choosing their Ignite activity. Some students worked on their Alberta Landscape Watercolour Painting, which others worked on their puzzles or continued working on their Find Your Interest (FYI) club’s research presentation. In Inquiry, for Joy A,  students reviewed the parts of a wheat plant and wheat kernel before collectively creating a “Wheat Products” brainstormed list. After being introduced to the day’s focus questions, “How might have early European farmers removed wheat from the ground?”, students worked through coming up with solutions and sharing them with peers.

Students in Math were providing encouragement to students when struggling with challenging tasks.  Showing kindness and building resiliency!
 Reader's Theatre

How did early farmers get the wheat out of the ground?

Turning our multiplication problems into division word problems.  These kids are getting so good with Google Slides.