We would like to welcome our student teacher's back for the next 8 weeks. It's great to have you with us!
Today Mrs. Cox's class started the Who Do You Tell Program. They spoke about "okay" and "not okay" touches and defined what an "okay touch" is. They recognized that an okay touch does not leave a child with a sad face, feeling scared or hurt, or is in anyway harmful. They also talked about what private parts are and understood that they are parts of our body that are covered by bathing suits. The students learned what to do or say if an adult tried to trick, bribe or threaten them and who safe people are to talk to. Please let me know if you have any questions about today's WDYT workshop. - N. Cox
Ms. Huebner's class will begin tomorrow and Mr. Kai's class will start on Thursday.
Today we started a new round if Inquiry work. Joy A is working with Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Danchuk and Joy B is currently working with Ms. Huebner and Mr. Kelly.