Reader's Theatre...
The grade 3 students continued to practice their Reader's Theatre. They gave each other feedback on what was successful and how they might improve their presentation.

The Land in Alberta...
The Joy Pod is working in their inquiry groups to develop an understanding of the importance of the land in Alberta and build knowledge of various industries that are reliant of the land such as agriculture and oil. Today the students from Joy A wrote a diary from the perspective of a child from the early 1900's moving to western Canada to begin their own homestead. This comes after learning about the geographic regions of Alberta to discover how much of Alberta is grassland and looking at posters that were used to advertise the west.In our literacy block...
Students had the opportunity to research writing and they are making connections to their own skills and how they might set goals to improve their writing skills.In our read aloud, Spiderwick, one of the characters is being accused by his mother of creating a disastrous mess in the kitchen. Some of the students were working today on writing a letter to their Mom, explaining that it was in fact a Boggart and not them. In the letter, they payed special attention to using an apostrophe correctly when writing about something possessive, such as "Simon's tadpoles".
In Math, the students have now developed a strong understanding of the function of multiplication and the many strategies to represent multiplication such as number lines, hundred charts, repeated addition, equal sets/groups, arrays and the standard algorithm or equation. They are now working on building the same understanding of division and how it is related to multiplication as well as building automaticity with their multiplication facts. Today some students used iPads to research "tips and tricks" to help them with their multiplication tables.
For Ignite, Mr. Kai and Ms. Wathier have been taking students to use the climbing wall this week...