-Jacket Racket will end tomorrow Wednesday Nov. 6th. Please send gently used winter wear including coats, mittens, scarves, hats, boots, etc. to school in a bag marked with the items and sizes inside. We appreciate your support of this much needed program!
-Book Orders were sent home yesterday. They are due this FRIDAY NOVEMBER 8th. You can make your order online at:
Estimation is an important skill to have. When applying this skill to a business, it's a skill that will earn or cost you money! Today students looked at how we can improve our skill of estimation. Ask your child how much hair is in our class and how long it would take to count to a million.
This afternoon we gained new knowledge on the grasslands. Students started by sharing their thoughts on what the grasslands are. Below are their thoughts we recorded on chart paper.
Students started to watch GRASSLANDS: A HIDDEN WILDERNESS from CBC. They recorded things they learned in their visual journals. We will be continuing to add to our pages as we watch more of the video.