Friday, November 29, 2019

Friday November 29, 2019

Families Helping Families
We are calling on your kindness and generosity to help support families in need at Christmas.  Eric Harvie School will be supporting twelve families in Calgary.  Each pod has been assigned specific families to sponsor.  The links for each pod’s Google Sheets sign-up gift tracking sheet is listed below.  Please note that each family has a separate tab in the Google Doc. Here is an example of the tabs you will see at the bottom of the page.  Click next to the donated item to check it off.  

Please wrap and label all gifts/donations with this specific information:
Example:  Harmony Pod Family G
                 6 Year old Girl #1
All contributions will be due on or before as the presents will be picked on that date:
Monday, December 16th, 2018
In the spirit of giving this holiday season, all staff at Eric Harvie School would like to thank families in advance for their thoughts and contributions! Thank you for making a family’s Christmas a little brighter!!

 Here is the link to access the Google Doc:

Joy Pod

Thank you for your support,
Eric Harvie School

We had a special visitor in our class today to teach us about...
Constable Tony came to teach us about the importance of Community. He read us a story called Stone Soup. We learned the importance of community and kindness We brainstormed ideas to make our class awesome! We made our own commitment and wrote it down so we can help our learning community grow!

The students are using to develop coding skills.  Coding a dance party today sounded and looked amazing!  The students are working through various levels to develop skills further.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thursday, November 28th, 2019


We have the opportunity to participate in a Place Based Learning research project. Information went home with students yesterday.  Please return the forms (if you wish for your child to participate in the study) by Monday, December 2nd.

Happenings today...

We continued today with our Farm theme during ignite, and also worked towards finishing our grasslands mural. We have finally finished counting 2/3 of our estimation station;

The Field Peas came to 177, the closest guess was Lyric at 188
The Barely came to 1345, the closest guess was Eric at 1000
The third sample is still being counted.

After ignite we moved into math, continuing our work with shape and space. Students worked on using a loose part shape to turn 90 degrees, 180 degrees, 270 degrees, 360 degrees, sliding quadrant to quadrant and flipping up, down, left and right.

In the afternoon, we read chapter six of our novel Ticket to Curlew and worked on retelling in their own words.

We also continued our work in poetry using our replica skull words (how we felt/ our initial reaction/ descriptive words), to work towards creating a class poem. We read a story and wrote a journal reflection expressing what it feels like and looks like to be different.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Blue Wednesday

This morning students engaged in shape and space in Math. They are developing and in depth understanding of 2 dimensional shapes, their characteristics how to describe them, and manipulate them.

Later in the morning, students were engaged in drawing the skull of a buffalo. The photos below prove how successful they were and how fabulous their work was.  

Yesterday the students recorded words to describe the skulls they observed.  Today the students used these words to start working on poetry with these words in groups.

The Joy Pod had a guest today from the University of Lethbridge.  She is an Assistant Principal at a school in Calgary who is doing her Masters in Education and is studying Place Based Learning.  She will be working with students in our class who are willing and whose parents wish for them to participate in her study. Information went home with students today.  Please return the forms (if you wish for your child to participate in the study) by Monday, December 2nd.

Mrs. Kinsman is working on a novel study with the Joy Pod students.  She has asked that the students complete their first task in their journals (see below).  They only need to complete the first two tasks by next Wednesday.

In the afternoon, book club met with Mrs. Kinsman. She has assigned homework for all students. They've brought home their notebooks where they are to complete the work assigned. 

After a few moments of joke & riddle telling students took part in poetry and coding activities. 

Lastly, students participated in our read aloud of "Ticket to Curlew".