Thursday, April 30, 2020


Video Message for Today...

Google meets are happening today. See you then!

Read Aloud

Edward Tulane Chapters 11 & 12

Go over to your Google Classroom to check your assignments for today!

Spring FEATURE Photo

Spring has sprung! Rachel has found spring in the community! Beautiful Photo!

Our EHS Signs of Spring Showcase

Physical Education


Here is a music link for a Grade 3/4 Recorder Lesson

Wednesday, April 29, 2020



Click on the video for todays message. 

Signs of Spring

Here is the signs of spring slide show. Click on the link below to check it out.

<iframe br="" height="340" src="" width="540">

Spare a square...

Read Aloud 

P.E. & Music

We will continue to post a link for the Phys Ed blog and the Music Blog daily!
Please NOTE: These are OPTIONAL activities. There is NO expectation that students do all activities everyday. Please just pick and choose what interests you on days that might work for you!

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


Tuesday, April 28

Please watch your morning message with a bison article from the Saskatoon Star Phoenix news paper and you can also see the article by clicking on the link below from the Canadian Broadcast Council (CBC)

Baby Bison Article from CBC

Spare a square...

Then head to your Google Classroom for today's activities.  Thanks for meeting with us yesterday!  It's always so good to see your faces!

We will continue to post a link for the Phys Ed blog and the Music Blog daily!
Please NOTE: These are OPTIONAL activities. There is NO expectation that students do all activities everyday. Please just pick and choose what interests you on days that might work for you!


Physical Education


Here is a music link for all grades

Monday, April 27, 2020


Video Message for today...

See you in our Google Meet today to talk about our literacy project and follow up on any mathematical questions!

Read Aloud

Edward Tulane Chapters 9 & 10

We will continue to post a link for the Phys Ed blog and the Music Blog daily!
Please NOTE: These are OPTIONAL activities. There is NO expectation that students do all activities everyday. Please just pick and choose what interests you on days that might work for you!

Physical Education


Here is a music link for all grades

Friday, April 24, 2020

Friday, April 23

Morning Message


We will be posting our plans for the upcoming week on the end of week blog (usually Friday). Here it is:

Look for an email from your teacher for our Google Meet times.

Mrs. Cox will be away today.  If you have any questions for her or require any support, please contact any of the Joy Pod teachers, Mrs. Kinsman or Mr. Strand 

Read Aloud - Edward Tulane (Chapters 8 & 9)

We will continue to post a link for the Phys Ed blog and the Music Blog daily!
Please NOTE: These are OPTIONAL activities. There is NO expectation that students do all activities everyday. Please just pick and choose what interests you on days that might work for you! 

Physical Education


Here is a music link for all grades

Here is the grade ¾ recorder lesson from yesterday

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Thursday, April 23

Hello, Grade 3's and 4's!

Please listen to today's message from Mrs. Cox, Ms. Wauthier's read aloud and head to your Google Classroom for today's assignments.  As always, we want to remind you that assignments are not due the day they are posted.  Please work at your own pace and let us know if you are encountering any difficulties.  We've been so proud of our students for their hard work during these challenging times.

We will continue to post a link for the Phys Ed blog and the Music Blog daily! 
Please NOTE: These are OPTIONAL activities. There is NO expectation that students do all activities everyday. Please just pick and choose what interests you on days that might work for you! 

Read Aloud

Physical Education

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Wednesday, April 22

Today's Video Message

Read Aloud

Edward Tulane Chapters 5 & 6

Check Google Classroom for your Literacy and Math Assignments.

We will continue to post a link for the Phys Ed blog and the Music Blog daily! 
Please NOTE: These are OPTIONAL activities. There is NO expectation that students do all activities everyday. Please just pick and choose what interests you on days that might work for you! 

Physical Education

Click on Mr. Der for today's blog


Click on Mrs. Coulson for today's blog

Tuesday, April 21, 2020



There will be two google meet sessions today. Please show up at one of them to see how you can do word work at home.
Thursday will be another google meet. Look for the email invite for times.

Check your Google Classroom...

For today's Literacy and Math Assignments, please check your google classroom and remember to click Turn In if you add a file to return your work to your teacher when you hand it in!

Read Aloud

The Three Little Aliens and the Big Bad Robot

Phys. Ed.


Monday, April 20, 2020

Monday April 20

We are excited about a non-fiction literacy project that is launching this week! We will be setting up a google meet early this week, likely on Tuesday to discuss your ideas and set the criteria.Watch for an email!

Video Greeting for today...

You may be wondering about my mask...

My mom is older and therefore she can get ill more easily. When I have to go out, I wear this homemade mask to protect myself. It is hard to get used to, but I am trying to do my part!
Here is some information if you are curious to know more: 

Read Aloud

Check your Google Classroom...

For today's Literacy and Math Assignments, please check your google classroom and remember to click Turn In if you add a file to return your work to your teacher when you hand it in!

Optional Art Drawing of Edward Tulane...

Follow along with Mr. Kelly

Physical Education

Click on Mr. Der for today's blog


Click on Mrs. Coulson for today's blog

Friday, April 17, 2020

Friday April 17th


  •  We are here for you! If you have questions, concerns, require technological support or have updates about your family’s situation, which may impact the completion of work, please communicate these with your child’s responsibility teacher.  Communication is key as we partner in this new ongoing learning environment.
  • We will be having an optional GOOGLE MEET today between 10am and 11am. This is a check-in period. You may ask questions about google classroom, get help with your math work for this week, get help with EPIC or just say a quick hello to your teacher. Look at your Gmail for the code sent to you by your teacher.
  • It was great to see all of you this week. We are looking forward to the days ahead in our new GOOGLE CLASSROOM. Have a great weekend!


*Due to technical difficulties we do not have the optional art activity today

Read Aloud

Community Building Activity...
Your challenge is to capture spring in a photo!
Then click below to add your own photo to our shared Google Photos Folder!

Click on the image below
UPDATE: We know there have been some issues with uploading pictures to the Signs of Spring 2020 photo collection and we apologize for any inconvenience that may have caused. At this time, there seems to be no apparent reason why some emails are working while others are not. It does seem like the most reliable way to upload to the collection is through the browser on a computer. If you are still experiencing issues with uploading your photo to our Signs of Spring 2020 photo collection, please e-mail your photo(s) to and your photo will be uploaded on your behalf. We don't want to miss out on your pictures!

Phys. Ed. Blog

Click on the image below

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Thursday, April 16

Thursday, April 16

Hello Joy Pod,

Please listen to today's message and the read aloud and then head to your Google Classroom for today's assignments.

Read Aloud

Community Building Activity...
Your challenge is to capture spring in a photo!
Then click below to add your own photo to our shared Google Photos Folder!

Mr. Der's Pys Ed Blog

Mrs. Coulson's Music Blog

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Wednesday, April 14

Good day to you all Joy Pod. We hope you enjoyed yesterdays activities. Hopefully you had enough easter eggs left over for the math activity! Today we start posting assignments on Google Classroom. So please go there to find and submit all your work. PLEASE ONLY SUBMIT WORK TO YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TEACHER.

See you in google meet.

Video Message...

We have a Google Meet scheduled for today! 

Please check your email for details.

Read Aloud for today

Literacy Task for Today

Go to your Google Classroom and check out your literacy assignment for today.  

Math Task for today

Go to Google Classroom and check out your math assignment for today. We are learning about division strategies that will help you show your thinking! There is an instructional video posted on our google classroom.

Please email your teacher directly if you are having trouble logging on to Google Classroom!

Tuesday, April 14, 2020


Video Message for Today...

Community Building Activity...

Your challenge is to capture spring in a photo! 
Then click below to add your own photo to our shared Google Photos Folder!
 Click to add your own photo!

Today's Read Aloud

Literacy Assignment - April 14

Time: 25 mins
Intention: To build writing vocabulary with "juicy words" and to practice conventions when writing.
Materials: Writing Journal or paper, pencil, digital device to access blog and google slides
Submission: Optional submission to Iris. This activity will not be assessed.

Please go to your teacher's Google Classroom to find the assignment for today. Click on your teacher's link below:

Google Classroom Joy - Lawson
Google Classroom Joy - Cox 
Google Classroom Joy - Huebner


When you get to your Google Classroom your teacher's page will look like this (with your teacher's name on it):

To find the Literacy assignment for today Click on Classwork

Under Week 2 - April 13-17 click on Tuesday Literacy - Word of the Day. This will bring you to the Literacy assignment for today on Google Slides.

Math Task - April 14
Click on the image below for a word document of todays math task or go to our google classrooms to find it.

Click on Mr. Der for today's blog

Click on Mrs. Coulson for today's blog

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Thursday, April 9

Reminder: Monday is a PD Day
Tuesday's Messages and tasks will be posted by 9:00am

Good morning Joy pod. It looks like today is going to be a warm day, so get out as much as you can and enjoy this small window of warmth. Yesterday we began google meet and today we will continue with it. Look for the invite in your CBE gmail accounts ( If you can't log in we sent your parents an email on March 30th with all your login information. Enjoy your day!  

Click on the photo above for your daily message


Google Meet
If you haven't already, part of your activity for today is to join in on a google meet with your teacher. Please have a parent close by to help monitor. Remember to think about how you behave. Ask yourself "Is this how I would act if I were right in front of the person". Being on a screen can trick our brains into thinking that it's okay to act differently. Review the etiquette and, if we haven't seen you already, see you soon!


Edward Tulane Read Aloud - Chapter 2

Listen and read along or mute and read independently

Sorry, it doesn't look like the document is allowing everyone access.  If you have more ideas that are not on this list, please email them and I will add them Thank you!

Click here to add your ideas to the slide above


Phys. Ed.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020


Video Message for Today...

Read Aloud Book - After the Fall

This is a charming story of a once-fallen egg overcoming his fear of heights. It provides encouragement for children to overcome their own fears.

Click the pictures below to open the files then you will see your assignments for today...

Physical Education
Click on Mr. Der for today's blog

Click on Mrs. Coulson for today's blog

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Tuesday, April 7

Video Message for Today...

Edward Tulane Read Aloud

Need division help?  Watch this video:

Physical Education
Click on Mr. Der for today's blog

Click on Mrs. Coulson for today's blog

Monday, April 6, 2020

Monday the 6th

Good day to you Joy Pod. We hope you had a great weekend. We look forward to another great week with you and have some good activities planned for you to help you get into a routine of learning at home. This week we will begin entering our virtual classroom, so stay tuned for when that will begin. Below is your daily message, your daily learning activity for both Math and Literacy, which includes your daily read aloud. Enjoy!



Click on this link to get a PDF version:
(sign-in with your google account to see the link)

Click on this link to get a PDF version:
(sign-in with your google account to see the link)

Click on the picture below for today's read aloud, read by Mr. Kai.

Click on Mr. Der for today's blog

Click on Mrs. Coulson for today's blog

Friday, April 3, 2020

Friday April 3

Video Message for today...

Read Aloud MOON - The Changing Moon - A Non-Fiction Excerpt

Watch for Daily Updates from...

Some websites kids might enjoy exploring: 
Sheree Fitch, the poet/author who visited us last year, has a daily podcast of her poems.  
Oak & Maple – a wordless picture book with sounds children could add text, ask questions, etc)
Caterpillar races
A free book for kids from EverActive – the Lucy Tries books
Free Calgary Public Library resources online
Digital Writing Lessons – 14 of them!
CPL – Read aloud – Read to Your Bunny
Cartoon by Sam Hester - ‘It’s Okay to Worry
Calgary Zoo daily  -information sharing on animals)
Penguins exploring the Calgary Zoo just for fun! 
Author Peter Reynolds reads books 
Jarrett Lerner -author, graphic novels; activities for writing and reading; how to form creative letters

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Thursday April 2nd

Good day to all of you Joy Pod. It is a frigid April 2nd, but I hope you will bundle up today and make your way outside for play time or just for a walk. Despite the cold the birds are still chirping in my neighbourhood. I heard a rumour that there are a few robins who have returned! I wonder if they're regretting traveling this far north?? Please see our daily message below. 

Here is our read aloud for today. The assignment is written below. Enjoy!


You are to write a letter or email. The letter will be written to a nurse, doctor, caretaker, grocery store work, or whoever is still working with a lot of people. This may even be your mom or dad or aunt or uncle. These jobs are challenging during this time, so we want to thank them for their kindness and hard work.

Your work can be a written letter (just take a picture when you are done and email it to your responsibility teacher) or you can write it as an email through your google email (Gmail). The steps to writing an email are below:

1. Go to Gmail
2. Sign in using your account
3. Click on the compose button ( + )
4. Type your responsibility teachers email address. It should come up when you start typing; if not then it is their CBE email name and then end it with  
5. Make your subject 'Thank You'
6. Write your letter
7. Send it to your teacher

Teacher Emails through Google:



Some websites kids might enjoy exploring: 
Sheree Fitch, the poet/author who visited us last year, has a daily podcast of her poems.  
Oak & Maple – a wordless picture book with sounds children could add text, ask questions, etc)
Caterpillar races
A free book for kids from EverActive – the Lucy Tries books
Free Calgary Public Library resources online
Digital Writing Lessons – 14 of them!
CPL – Read aloud – Read to Your Bunny
Cartoon by Sam Hester - ‘It’s Okay to Worry
Calgary Zoo daily  -information sharing on animals)
Penguins exploring the Calgary Zoo just for fun! 
Author Peter Reynolds reads books 
Jarrett Lerner -author, graphic novels; activities for writing and reading; how to form creative letters

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Wednesday April 1st


Hello JOY POD. We hope you are having a great day of fooling. If you haven't played a respectful prank on someone then it's too late as April Fool's ends at 12pm today.

Today's Read Aloud

After listening to the read aloud for today please create a MOON PAGE in your visual journal with a picture or pictures and your questions and wonderments. Then take a picture and put it on our Collaborative Google Slide Click here to share your work. You can also just write on a slide on the collaborative slide. Have fun!

Collaborative Google Slide
Click to share your work

Watch for Daily Updates from...

Mr. Der in Phys Ed and Mrs. Coulsen in Music

You may want to check out one of these links below: