Friday, April 17, 2020

Friday April 17th


  •  We are here for you! If you have questions, concerns, require technological support or have updates about your family’s situation, which may impact the completion of work, please communicate these with your child’s responsibility teacher.  Communication is key as we partner in this new ongoing learning environment.
  • We will be having an optional GOOGLE MEET today between 10am and 11am. This is a check-in period. You may ask questions about google classroom, get help with your math work for this week, get help with EPIC or just say a quick hello to your teacher. Look at your Gmail for the code sent to you by your teacher.
  • It was great to see all of you this week. We are looking forward to the days ahead in our new GOOGLE CLASSROOM. Have a great weekend!


*Due to technical difficulties we do not have the optional art activity today

Read Aloud

Community Building Activity...
Your challenge is to capture spring in a photo!
Then click below to add your own photo to our shared Google Photos Folder!

Click on the image below
UPDATE: We know there have been some issues with uploading pictures to the Signs of Spring 2020 photo collection and we apologize for any inconvenience that may have caused. At this time, there seems to be no apparent reason why some emails are working while others are not. It does seem like the most reliable way to upload to the collection is through the browser on a computer. If you are still experiencing issues with uploading your photo to our Signs of Spring 2020 photo collection, please e-mail your photo(s) to and your photo will be uploaded on your behalf. We don't want to miss out on your pictures!

Phys. Ed. Blog

Click on the image below